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ReVive Terms & Conditions

Welcome to ReVive Decor! We’re thrilled you’ve chosen to become one of our decor partners. Below you’ll find our terms and conditions, sprinkled with a touch of humor to keep things light.

Before We Get Started:

By using our site and the decor partner portal, you agree to all use of the portal, including but not limited to, privacy and policy procedures, decor partner (consignor) agreements via email or SMTP. You also agree not to reproduce, sell, share, alter, market, or otherwise change in any way, the content of this agreement. By using our services, you are agreeing to these terms and will be bound by them. Basically, no funny business with our terms, okay?

Please note that any of the following terms and conditions can be changed without notice, at any time we deem necessary. This is our soft launch, and we understand more questions may arise and more conditions may need to be added. Thanks for rolling with us as we fine-tune things!

1. Decor Partner Term:

Everyday decor items will be on our site for 120 days, and seasonal decor items will be on our site for 90 days. By partnering with ReVive Decor, you agree that we have sole discretion in accepting, pricing, marketing strategy, and any other decisions regarding the sale of your items. We’re like the fairy godmothers of home decor, working our magic to get your items sold!

2. Decor Partner Split:

You’ll receive 60% of the net final selling price of your items, less the $9.99 shipping fee if you used our prepaid label. We believe in a fair split – after all, teamwork makes the dream work!

3. Pricing:

We use a magical blend of a top-secret algorithm (okay, not that secret), current market trends, and our expert team’s experience to price your items. Trust us, your items are in good hands!

4. Acceptance of Items:

We accept smaller everyday and seasonal decor items (decorative objects, vases, faux floral, trays, small art pieces, candle holders, etc.) that are in good to new condition, seasonally appropriate, (please don't send fall pieces in the spring) and from smoke-free, pet hair-free homes. (Your furry friends are welcome, but their hair isn’t!) Please ensure items are clean, odor-free, and ready to impress.

5. Items We Don’t Accept:

No items that need repairs, large furniture pieces, or anything that’s seen better days. We also don’t accept large pieces of art, pre-loved throw blankets, or items from certain brands. If in doubt, shoot us an email at and we’ll be happy to help!

6. Sending Your Items:

You can send as many boxes filled with your decor goodies at your own shipping expense, or use our prepaid label to ship a box up to 18x12x12 in size for a $9.99 deduction from the final sale price. Carefully pack them up, send them off, and we’ll take it from there!

7. If Items Don’t Sell:

If your items haven’t sold within four weeks, we’ll adjust the prices to make them even more irresistible. Everyone loves a good deal, right? Please refer to our terms and conditions for more info.

8. Unsold Items:

If your items don’t sell within the agreed timeframe, you can choose to have them shipped back to you at your own expense, or we’ll donate them to a worthy cause. Think of it as giving your items another shot at stardom!

9. Getting Paid:

You’ll receive 60% of the net final sales price as a store gift card, less the $9.99 shipping fee if applicable. Payouts are made at the end of every month, so you can look forward to a nice little shopping spree regularly. Time to treat yourself to something new and fabulous!

10. Repairs:

We don’t accept items that need repairs. We believe in selling gently pre-loved items as they are! So please only send us items that are ready to shine in their new home. Thanks for understanding!

11. Acceptance Notification:

We’ll notify you once we’ve received and approved your items. If you’re unsure about an item, email us at with pictures, and we’ll be happy to help you decide. If an item isn’t accepted, we’ll donate it to a worthy cause.

12. Damage in Transit:

We carefully video the opening of each package sent to us and will notify you if an item has been damaged or broken during transit. Unfortunately, if this happens, we aren’t responsible or liable, and we will discard the damaged items for you. Please pack your items well to help minimize the chance of damage – we all know how those shipping companies handle our precious packages! If you have any questions, feel free to email us at

13. Delivery of Property; Risk of Loss:

Decor Partner makes the Property available to ReVive Decor on a consignment basis and ReVive Decor accepts the Property from Decor Partner on a consignment basis only. Decor Partner retains all risk of loss or damage to the Property until that time.

14. Unauthenticated, Counterfeit, or Stolen Items:

Decor Partner is responsible for ensuring the authenticity of all items offered for consignment. In the event ReVive Decor cannot determine the authenticity of any item of Property offered or provided for consignment, it shall have the right in its sole discretion to refuse to accept the item. In the event that ReVive Decor determines at any time that an item of Property is counterfeit, ReVive Decor will notify Decor Partner that it has made such determination. Decor Partner acknowledges and agrees that any item ReVive Decor determines to be counterfeit will not be returned to Decor Partner and will be destroyed.

15. Consignment Period and Return of Property:

The "Consignment Period" for an item of Property begins on the Effective Date and ends 120 days thereafter for everyday decor items, and 90 days for seasonal decor items.

16. Efforts to Sell; Price:

Subject to Decor Partner's performance of its obligations under this Agreement, ReVive Decor will display on its site and make commercially reasonable efforts to sell the Property. Decor Partner acknowledges and agrees that ReVive Decor may offer price reductions or discounts during the Consignment Period, at its sole discretion and without notice to Decor Partner.

17. Title to Property:

A "Property Sale" shall be deemed to have occurred where an item of Property is sold by ReVive Decor and not returned within the period specified by ReVive Decor’s Return Policy.

18. Payment and Commissions:

Upon a Property Sale, the net selling price upon which all Commissions are based shall equal the price of the item of Property sold, less applicable discounts or sales fees from third-party website sales, excluding taxes and shipping (the "Net Selling Price").

Decor Partner acknowledges and agrees it will receive 60% of the Net Selling Price (the "Commission") based on the Net Selling Price of an item of Property.

The timing of processing Commission payments will typically be completed by the end of the month after the sale and are delivered electronically via store gfit card. In the event of any dispute between the Parties, Commissions will not be paid until such dispute is resolved. No manual checks will be issued.

19. Term and Termination:

Term: This Agreement will commence as of the Effective Date and will continue until the completion of the Services, or 120 days after the initial receipt of Property for everyday items and 90 days for seasonal items.

Termination: Either Party may terminate this Agreement at any time, for any reason. Termination shall be effective when either Party serves written notice thereof on the other Party. Costs listed above under Section 15, Consignment Period and Return of Property, will apply.

20. No Assignment:

Decor Partner may not assign, transfer, or delegate any of its rights under this Agreement without ReVive Decor’s prior written consent. Any prohibited assignment shall be void.

21. No Property Warranties:

ReVive Decor does not make any representation or warranty, expressed or implied about any item of Property, except to the extent a warranty is required by law and cannot be disclaimed. In no event shall ReVive Decor’s liability exceed the actual amount received for selling decor partner’s Property.

22. Decor Partner’s Representations, Warranties, and Indemnification:

Decor Partner hereby represents and warrants that it has good and marketable title to each item of Property and has the right to consign and sell the Property, none of which is subject to any liens or other encumbrances, and further represents and warrants that the Property does not infringe upon or violate any trademark, copyright, or other proprietary right of any third party, any state or federal law, or any administrative regulation. Decor Partner hereby agrees to indemnify and hold ReVive Decor harmless from all damages, suits, litigation, awards, and costs, including but not limited to attorneys' fees and costs, as a result of or arising out of in any way ReVive Decor's display or sale of the Property for any reason whatsoever, including but not limited to civil or criminal suits over authenticity, legality, ownership, infringement of copyright or trademark.